Sunday, December 2, 2012

BFFs and Birthdays

It seems like I never have anything to do (socially) for long periods of time then all the sudden I have a lot going on at once. Friday I went to the movies with my best friend D and it was such a great time! We saw Life of Pi (holy guacamole it was amazing and mind blowing, D was speechless and trust me, D is NEVER speechless) but before hand we went to Bath and Body and got candles to feed my addiction and then to Panera Bread for dinner. We sadly go to different schools and don't get to see each other as much as we'd like so it was great to be able to chat over some sandwiches and mac'n'cheese. Then yesterday I went to the barn as usual and my other best friend and I went on a trail ride. It started pouring so we came back soaked. We then made sugar cookies and boy were those suckers time consuming. Today my family and I went out to lunch for my daddy's birthday (same place we go every year) and got another ornament.

I mentioned our tradition in my last post about buying a goofy ornament and coming up with a story for it. We buy them from World Market and lately we've been on a bird kick. Last two years we have gotten bird ornaments, maybe we will just stick to the feathered creatures? So this is sort of an OOTD and weekend overview? Once I finish decorating I'll do a decorating DIY post. Sometime this week I'll also do a traditions post. I hope everyone is having a fantastic December. It's the time of forgiveness, love, and positivity.

Oh this is Junior after I rode in the pouring rain Friday. We both hung out under the heaters with some  wool coolers for a while after that ride. 

Bullseye jeans, Forever 21 sweater, Bandolino boots, Forever 21 necklace, juicy couture earrings


My kitty, Peppermint enjoying the rainy day!

Hot Cocoa!

Sweater Target, skirt Forever 21, tights Nordstrums, Necklace and bracelets gifts, shirt Aeropastle, shoes Style&Co. Coat Miss Sixty

Have a great week everyone! 

Girl in the Green Breeches!

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