Monday, September 16, 2013

So Much More than a Motivational Monday

This is the first in the series I'm going to be doing over the next week called: Finding the positive in a negative world. Now No one likes to admit they are grumpy or negative every once in a while but let's face it we all are. There is always that day when your car stalls or you can't find a parking spot and you're late to class and it starts raining so your curls are ruined and then there is a pop quiz and your forget your english essay and of course that's the day you are assigned to work with your crush and of course thats the one day your hair is flat and clothes are rumpled. There's always just those kinds of days. If you aren't careful that negative and grumpy attitude can become more than a mood and more of a habit. Then suddenly you are miserable everyday and become just another tile on the mosaic of the negative world around you.

Bad habits die hard of course, it s a multi step process pulling yourself out of a funk. So I am going to do a series which highlight the steps that you can take to pull yourself out of that negative mind set.

So why now? Well, because it's super easy to get into this mind set with the weather getting gloomy and the school load heating up. We all love fall, sweaters, boots, and cider! We all hate it though when that lovely crisp weather that is perfect for a picnic turns dark and stormy on a dime and forces us inside. Then with teachers pushing us towards exams and midterms and essays we start loosing sleep, eating bad, and becoming grumpy. So, there is no better time for a little self improvement!

I hope y'all enjoy!



Tomorrows the first day of the series: Where to start? Lifestyle.

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