Todays post is all about how your lifestyle can affect your state of mind. When you put good into your body you get good out, no one can be positive if they feel negative.
I mean of course food is important right? But how important? When you eat healthy your digestive system works more efficiently which in turn allows for toxins and bacteria to be flushed form your body more quickly. When you eat heavy, fatty things they sit in your digestive track since the lipids in fats cannot be broken down as efficiently. By eating fresh, non processed foods like fruits veggies, yogurts, milks, and non processed meats your body doesn't have to work around all the preservatives and additives. This means for an over all healthier digestive system and body. Drinking a lot of water also aids in moving your digestive system along. It plays a huge role in expelling toxins. This can increase your metabolism, your skin, and can decrease bloating. By adding lemon or lime it is a refreshing boost mid day.
Now for Sleep. We all know it's important to eat healthy and sleep well but seriously, in all honesty who actually gets 8 hours ever single night? With exams to study for, essays to write, and sports practice it's very difficult for me at least to get to sleep before 10-11 and with school starting at 7 am I have to be awake 7-6 hours later. An hour or two lost, that's not bad right? Well not if it's ever once in a while but if you are only sleeping 6 hours or less every night you are not becoming rested. This can make you grumpy, irritable, and well negative. Also it weakens your immune system so you become more prone to getting sick. Sleeping too much can be bad too. Just because its a weekend doesn't mean it's a good idea to sleep until 2 pm. Ever once in awhile those late snoozes are perfectly great but every single day off from school? It messes up your sleep cycle and leaves you less rested than if you go to bed a little earlier and wake up a little earlier.
Working out is super important to. When you work out your body releases endorphins which give you a feeling of euphoria. This of course makes you happy! Of course this wears off but after working out even hours later, who doesn't still feel good about themselves? Feeling good about yourself is the first step to feeling good about the world! Sweating is also a good way to expel those nasty toxins!
Stress can make us all a grouch! So when you get stressed (I am the queen of stress so I know!) close your eyes (if you aren't you know walking or driving) and take a deep breath counting to ten, do not exhale until ten (if you can't get to ten just as far as you can) and do this ten or so times. Wait what was I stressed about? Exactly (; Also as silly as it sounds dancing to something silly (I am saying like silly like 1D and Cher Lloyd... really silly haha) and throw your arms in the air and shake out the stress. I promise if you make an effort to be silly, you will feel much better afterwards! Going for a walk with your dog or by yourself can be extremely relaxing. Don't text or tweet or instagram. Just walk for a while and let your mind wander. We all close our minds off to troubling subjects so this is a good time to let it wander and sort through those issues. You will feel very refreshed after. Even going with a trusted friend or parent can be rather helpful to just talk it out. So 5 on that list is go to bed earlier, if you don't have a ton of homework don't use that as an excuse to stay up late watching TV, go to bed even 30 minutes earlier! There is so much chaos around us it's difficult to stay focused on what we can control. We all like order so it's easy to find ourselves struggling to control things out of our grips. It helps me to write down the things I am stressing over. What I can fix I write about ideas that can help me fix it, what I can't? I scribble them out. No use in holding onto them. It's easy to forget the good when bad surrounds us. If you're feeling down look at old pics or call a friend, it can really put you in a better mood. Feeling down? Go to a trusted friend, sibling, or parent and just ask for a hug. This will make you feel loved and it will tell them you might be down and led them to helping you out. We all hit road blocks, there is always a moral to every story! Find that and let yourself grow from it. Most of all, it's easy to get so focused and serious you forget to smile. So just try to remember to give a good smile a couple times a day.
We all love sweets but they can be bad for us and eventually make us feel down. So a healthy sweet snack is the best of both worlds! My favorite are smoothies. PB and banana are my favs but that tropical one looks delish.
Most of all, don't beat yourself up. So much is out of our hands and even what is in our hands we sometimes drop. thats what they made brooms and dust pans for Honey. So sweep up the pieces try to patch them up, if they aren't able to be fixed move on. Everything happens for a reason and there is no reason to hate yourself for your mistakes. The important thing is to always learn from them! So be kind to yourself and you'll be kind to the world... and it will be kind back!
I hope this was helpful! Stay smilin' beauties!
Tomorrows post: Look and feel beautiful.
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