Hello everyone, so GITGB has been a bit... Doormat lately and I apologize! This whole dead blog thing just will not do. So, think of this has a blog make over and the relaunch of Girl in the Green Breeches (perhaps I should purchase a pair of those now? Heehee)
So that I actually have ideas to post, in true "me" fashion I am making a schedule for GITGB!
Mondays: Motivational Monday!
I will post cute motivational sayings and speeches and videos, really anything to give you a good pick me up for the start of the week. Everyone knows Mondays suck.
Tuesdays: Too Fabulous Tuesdays!
OOTDs and other adorable things I find due to my unhealthy obsession with tumblr and pinterest.
Wednesdays: What I Love Wednesday!
This will be photos I accumulate over the course of the week on a mood board. Every Wednesday I'll upload it and write about it!
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursdays!
These will be everything school related! So from organization to bad teacher stories, I'll post on Thursdays.
Friday: Fitness Friday!
I am a health/fitness junkie. I of course ride horses (During the summer 6-7 days a week, during the school year 5-6) but I also am and avid runner and I have recently been teaching myself to cook (yikes...) and have gotten into healthy cooking. So every Friday I'll find a recipe and a workout (or something of the sorts) and post about it!
Saturday: Saddle Style Saturday!
Riding OOTDs and any cute horse related trends I find over the week.
Not sure, this will be the day open for whatever, sometimes I'll blog sometimes I won't. Sunday Surprise?
So I hope you appreciate the cheesiness of all these just awesome names (; it took all my creative thinking to dream them up haha!
I will post OOTDs as much as possible... I didn't designate a day for just them because I don't exactly plan what days I dress OOTD worthy or that I can get pictures.
What brought on the change? Well I missed posting and I really wanted to help motivate people because I am going through a huge change in my life and have been learning how to stay positive and healthy in rough times.
I am going to be a junior in high school and I am moving to a new state in three days, arriving only a day before the start of school. I do not know anyone at all where I'm going except for my new trainer, but it's a new chapter and I have been working on learning to seize all opportunities. I'd love to share the experience.
So beauties, keep your chins up, smiles on, and know you can handle anything and everything that comes your way!
Super excited about your new blog! I think your names are really creative. Can't wait to see what you post!
Thanks! I hope it turns out well!