Friday, October 4, 2013

Finding the Positive in a Negative World: Go Get Goals

Making things happen. We all have dreams, we all have ambitions... Why haven't we achieved them? Because we find reasons why we can't. Money, time, people. Whatever the reason there is usually a way around it. How to fix this issue of dreaming and not doing? Goals. They are the exact same thing as dreams just they have deadlines (Stolen from Pinterest). 

Steps to proper goal setting:

1. Find something achievable. Don't set something impossible because then you are just setting your self up to fail. If you have a big dream set a small goal that can be achieved in the next six months or so. This will keep you from getting too discouraged. Things take time. 

2. Once you have your goal, write it down. Write it in your notebooks, on post its, in your phone, on your mirror. By writing it all over it will become a part of your daily life and you won't forget it. 

3. Talk to your parents and friends about it, see what advice they have for you.

4. Devise a plan. Set up a series of daily steps towards meeting your goal. Write them all down and work towards them each and everyday! You will need help from others, you can't go it alone! So go and talk to people, ask for advice, support, and help when you need it! People like helping others, nothing makes me feel better when someone comes to me for help!

It will take time, commitment, and perseverance. Stuff will happen, problems will arise. As my friend says, sh*t happens and life it too short to let it make you miserable. So march on no matter what curve ball life throws at you (: 

Stay beautiful!



PS: Go take a walk, fall is beautiful. We got our first snow today!